Your pets deserve the best veterinary care!

imagem de um médico veterinário de luvas cirurgicas a segurar uma pata de um cão
cachorro com estetóscopio na boca e um gatinho abraçados

BOOK your appointment

How We Work?

In order to provide an excellent service and avoid long waiting times for guardians and their pets, all our procedures are carried out by appointment. Get in touch with us, we are available to help.



Our Main Services

icon coopvet cirurgia geral veterinária

General Surgery

We perform a wide variety of procedures, ranging from simple surgeries, such as sterilization or tumor removal, to more complex surgeries, such as correction of congenital anomalies.

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icon coopvet cirurgia ortopédica veterinária

Orthopedic Surgery

We offer a complete coverage of surgeries and treatments related with the musculoskeletal system, including bone problems and joint conditions such as fractures or osteoarthritis.

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icon coopvet odontologia veterinária - dentista de pet

Dental Care

We offer dental services for dogs and cats, including cleaning, extraction and dental polishing. Dental problems can trigger serious complications in your pet's health and well-being.

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icon coopvet ecografia veterinária


One of the main means of diagnosis, is a non-invasive and painless test. It allows us to obtain a detailed and accurate assessment in various clinical situations, from internal evaluations to pregnancy diagnosis.

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icon coopvet raio x / radiologia veterinária


Our digital x-ray equipment allows us to offer an immediate and effective diagnosis and identify different pathologies, that can range from fracture assessments to diagnosis of respiratory problems.

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icon coopvet análises clínicas veterinárias

Clinical analysis

We perform various types of laboratory analysis, including hematology, biochemistry, urinalysis. In our laboratory, we provide fast and accurate diagnoses, especially important in urgent situations with your pet.

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icon coopvet internamento veterinária


In order to guarantee proper care in various clinical situations, we provide kennels for dogs and cats. From observation in situations of illness or pre-operative preparation to post-operative recovery.

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icon coopvet ozonoterapia veterinária

Ozone Therapy

Safe and effective, it’s used to treat various diseases, such as arthritis, dermatitis, infections, including those that are difficult to resolve such as chemotherapy, and also in conjunction with traditional treatments.

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icon coopvet clinicat clinica exclusiva para gatos


Our exclusive general practitioner and surgical care service for cats not only covers vaccination, prevention and treatment, but also includes cat's nutrition and environmental and behavioral analysis.

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Excellence in Veterinary Care

We are here to help! If you have any questions or need more information about our services, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our specialized team is at your disposal.

cão e gato sentados, encostados um ao outro


Animal well-being is our mission

CoopVet is a veterinary clinic that specializes in surgery and diagnostic tests for dogs and cats. We strive to provide excellent, high-quality services, focusing on the health and well-being of your pet. We maintain a high degree of transparency and dialogue throughout the process.

passionate about your pet, just like you

Meet Our Team

We are a highly motivated team with a passion for animal care and well-being. With a serious and committed approach, we are dedicated to providing the best veterinary services, with professionalism and integrity. We value each patient as if they were our own family and strive to offer quality treatments, careful monitoring and specialised advice.

Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet

Dr. Pedro Antunes


Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet

Dra.Joyce Antunes


Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet
Dra. Arneta Buene


Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet
Dra. Edsónia Nando


Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet
Tito da Silva


Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet
Neusa Brito


Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet
Ana Buene


Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet
Neusa Comé

Veterinarian assistant

Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet
Ercília Comé

Veterinarian assistant

Foto Imagem - Equipa CoopVet
Stélio Comé

Veterinarian assistant


What the tutors say

Feedback from tutors is very important to us. Not only it motivate us, but it also helps us identify areas that we can improve

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estrela amarela - reviews - fill
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estrela amarela - reviews - fill

Amazing veterinary care and caring staff! They quickly scheduled an appt with me and were thorough in assessing and treating my cat. also a good location. the guard even walked me and my cat to our car a few blocks away, truly so kind. thank you!

Edel Cribbin

Tutora de Pet

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The team here are the best and my experience was that they are true animal lovers who were very kind to both me and my cats. I am very grateful for their help and support, especially in helping me through the veterinary processes to bring my cats home to Ireland.

Onyịnye Alheri

Tutora de Pet

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estrela amarela - reviews - contorno

CoopVet é uma Clínica relativamente moderna, bem localizada, com profissionais extremamente competentes e de fácil empatia com os clientes.

Simão Barbosa

Tutora de Pet

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our social media

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Follow our daily routine closely! On our social platforms, you'll find a variety of content related to animal health, important alerts, interesting clinical cases and information about our services. Follow our pages to stay up to date and get valuable tips for your pets health. Be part of a passionate community in favor of animal health and well-being!

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Our Partners

Logotipo ProVet SVG

ProVet is a veterinary clinic that provides general medical services for dogs and cats: consultations, deworming and vaccinations, and also offers a Veterinary Pharmacy.

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Logotipo Clinicat SVG

Our exclusive general practitioner and surgical care service for cats that covers vaccination, prevention and treatment, including cat's nutrition and behavioral and environmental analysis.

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Logotipo Vets On The Road SVG

Vets on the Road is an NGO dedicated to fighting rabies through several actions, such as awareness vaccinations and sterilization campaigns in low-income communities.

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icon instagram verdel claro / branco

Prevention is the Best Solution

Take care of those who are always by your side. Book your appointment.